A Place to Gather
The tennis courts at Rodney Street are the most used courts in the city of Wilmington. They are home to organized leagues, high school tennis teams, tournaments and afterschool activities.
As you know, over the past few years, the picnic area has fallen into disrepair. Friends of Wilmington Parks is raising funds to renovate the area and provide much needed furniture, a shade structure and landscaping. With an updated facility, our hope is that the groups that depend on the Rodney Street Courts will continue to play there, and other organizations, leagues and tennis programs will consider it as a venue.
You and your team will have a nice place to hang out and gather after your match. Let's make Rodney Street, not only the most popular, but the nicest public place to play in the area. Once the picnic area at Rodney is finished, we plan to raise funds for a similar facility at Rockford Park.